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What is an HOA?An HOA or Homeowner Association is a legal entity created to manage and maintain the common areas of a community. In Key Ranch at the Polo Club, these "common areas" consist of things like our landscaping, front gate entry system, streets and roads. HOAs can consist of single family homes, condominiums, or town homes and are typically setup by the original developer of the community with a set of rules called "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions" otherwise known as "CC&Rs". One of the primary functions of the HOA is enforce and ensure that these "CC&Rs" are adhered to by the individual homeowners. The guiding principles of these regulations are normally to help maintain property values and the quality of life within the community.
Who manages our HOA?The Key Ranch HOA is managed by an HOA member-elected volunteer board of property owners, dubbed the Board of Directors. The current Board of Directors consists of Brian Allgyer (President/Secretary/Treasurer), Preston Petersen (Vice President). The Board may be reached by emailing, or, in emergency cases, by their personal contact info available to residents in the HOA Directory.
What do the annual dues cover?A full detailed list is available to residents as part of the annual approved budgest included in meeting minutes, but here is a quick breakdown of the typical budget items: - Mowing alongside community roadways - Front gate entry maintenance and upgrades - Tree maintenance - Reserves for long term maintenance for roadways and other special projects - Insurance - Administrative expenses (tax prep, mailings, legal fees, etc.)
How and when do I pay my annual dues?Invoice statements for the annual dues will be emailed in December of the preceding year that the payment is due. 2024 HOA dues are set at $1000 per lot. ​ Key Ranch HOA members may pay their annual dues by dropping off or mailing a check to the President or Treasurer no later than January 31st.
How do I find out about building requirements?Building requirements and approval processes by the Architectural Control Committee are outlined in the community's Bylaws and CCRs, which are available to the public on this website.
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